Full Display of AR1SWAT00050130

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Scene Metadata
Data Set Attribute Attribute Value
Entity ID AR1SWAT00050130
Agency 1
Vendor ID
Recording Technique 1
Project SWAT0
Roll 000005
Frame 130
Acquisition Date 1966/04/30
Scale 17100
High Resolution Download Avail 1
Strip Number 0000
Image Type 24
Quality 8
Cloud Cover 0
Photo ID 1SWAT00050130
Flying Height in Feet 5000
Film Length and Width 229mm x 229mm
Focal Length 88.44 mm
Stereo Overlap 6
Other PAL093_BOX02474
Center Latitude 41°01'43.29"N
Center Longitude 96°21'44.59"W
NW Corner Lat 41°02'46.47"N
NW Corner Long 96°23'03.65"W
NE Corner lat 41°02'43.16"N
NE Corner Long 96°20'21.16"W
SE Corner Lat 41°00'40.14"N
SE Corner Long 96°20'25.58"W
SW Corner Lat 41°00'43.46"N
SW Corner Long 96°23'07.98"W
Center Latitude dec 41.028691
Center Longitude dec -96.362387
NW Corner Lat dec 41.046241
NW Corner Long dec -96.384346
NE Corner Lat dec 41.045321
NE Corner Long dec -96.339211
SE Corner Lat dec 41.01115
SE Corner Long dec -96.340438
SW Corner Lat dec 41.012071
SW Corner Long dec -96.38555